Kivaa tekstiä, kirje, joka oli saapunut ammattilaiskehonrakentaja Levronelle:
Callin Em Like I See Em.
Group: Members
Posts: 686
Joined: 02 Aug. 2003 Posted: April 02 2004,14:59
This is an email that was sent to my boy KL.
I'll leave the dudes name out to protect the not so innocent.:
Dear Kevin,
Kevin, Just wanted you to know, that you have helped me achieve one of my goals, but will deal with that later.
Firstly, I have been one of your greatest fans, here in Wales, for a long time, though I've never got around to write you before. I am a 61 year young man who has benefited greatly and been inspired by you as a Bodybuilder and a Person. So, I wanted to write you and share my tribute of you - The Great and Magnificent Kevin Levrone. I hope you appreciate it, as it is my way of saying, Thanks and that you are one of my favourite people and, in my eyes. one of the greatest bodybuilders and guys around, and I greatly admire so much about you. I hope this simple tribute conveys my thoughts and admirations and fondest of you as a man and bodybuilder. Two other BB is my personal friend Ricky from Miami and the up and coming Mark . Both guys share the same beauty and strong sexy appeal as yourself and always chats with their fans. Indeed, Ricky has invited me to visit him in Miami, when I can effort it. Anyway, enough of them, this is about you Kevin. Anyway, here is my Tribute to you my friend. If you cannot lift this and want a copy as it is or without the words, let me know and I will post it on to you, as this is yours to use as you wish.
Looking at these images of you Kevin and seeing how well you bulge out of so tiny a flimsy bikini suits, I recall the saying: "Clothes Maketh the Man". Mmmmm, but in your case with your incredibly strong and beautiful body, one knowing how hard you have worked to sculpture it into living art, and wearing such tiny, sexy and revealing posing bikinis, it must be said that the least you wear, the more you prove that saying wrong, for you are truly a Man to be admired and I for one enjoys all your masculinity and manly Beauty.
But it is not just good good looks, great body or immense sex appeal alone that makes you one of the greatest in my book, but also the guy you are. Not only have I a massive collection of your pics in my folder, but I scan every pics I find of you into my computer, read magazines looking for you and reading everything said about you, or contributed to you. For one, I would ignore all those who criticise your legs, (March 22004 Issue of Flex) as they are perfect, in fact, they are stunning. I think those who like to knock you are jealous of you or failing with their own physiques. You are the greatest, legs and all. What is better than perfection? Exactly!!!
Also, I applaud you for kicking out your long time trainer last June and agree, that a bodybuilder of your class knows what he is about, what he is doing and how to achieve his goal, so good for you. In the same article that appeared in the December'03 issue of FLEX, you ended it by saying "I love that show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", and you added "I support the gay community." Well I do not know the show Queer Eye for the Straight Gay," as I have not seen or heard of it over here, but nevertheless, I admire and applaud you again for being courageous enough to make such a strong and supportive statement. That really shows your mettle, even if those who are looking for something to say against you may assume you to be gay yourself. Nevertheless, is that why you wear such sexy bikinis, to show off your massive package to drive gay fans crazy? Then I suppose that I am that fits the "Queer Eyes for Straight Guys, in that I have gay eyes for you. I am not out, not into the gay scene and sexually not active with other guys. Nevertheless, I have my fantasies, and you certainly feature in some of them, that is for sure. (Sorry about that, but I thought it only fair that you know.) Needless to say, I am totally straight acting and no one would suspect me to have gay orientations, if I did not tell them, and no one, other than a few net friends know it. Anyway enough about me, this is about you, the Champion.
As I said above, I read everything I can find about you, or articles that are by you and you can imagine how excited I was to come across your Shoulder Routine "Double Duty Delts" in the August 2003 Issue of FLEX. One of the things that jumped out at me when I first read it, was your emphasis on Form, getting it right and warning of the dangers of injury. Well, I could not wait to start the 12 week routine and enjoyed it very much. That was last year. Now, I am amazed by the results, so again I am doing the full routine and into the 3rd week so far. I am also amazed how many people have commented on my shoulders, even when wearing bulky winter clothes, so I really feel indebted to you Kevin. It is a great workout, and I am enjoying it. I do it every Monday, as you suggested and my shoulders feel "Fulblown" by the end of the routine. I have attached recent photos of myself so you can see how my shoulder are developing, and remember, I am a young looking 61, who only took up weight training nearly 5 and half years ago,
Now I have a request or two from you.
Firstly, I am in the process of designing my own web page, and part of it will be dealing with "The Art of Bodybuilding" and have included several BB friends of mine from around the world, who have kindly permitted me to use their pics. I was wondering if you would permit me to use one or two of your pics on my web page and to include a link to your Official Web Page?
A second request is, if I am able to do it, could I use a track from you CD for the BB pages, giving full credit and thanks to you for allowing me to use the music?
OK, that is it for now. I just want you to know that I admire every inch of your incredible body, your magnificent physique. I Even enjoy the two tracks of Fulblown I got from FLEX, notching up an other reason for admiring you, as you are a great performing artist with music too. Man, you are ACE, hot and sexy and a magnificent bodybuilder par excellent. and musician of worth, but going back to your incredible body, there is not one inch that does stand out and demand my attention and admiration, and I mean every inch, but it is your shoulders that really make me drool - well besides you package :-) - and in my estimation, they are the best around. As yet, I have not seen any of the great BB around from yesterday or today who have shoulders to match yours. Would dearly love to feel them. They are absolutely outstanding and ones to be proud of.
Thanks Kevin, for allowing me to speak opening and friendly like this. I really hope you will reply and even keep in touch, from time to time. If you ever come to the UK, try to get over to Wales, would love to meet you and could take you around some of the most beautiful coastline in the UK. Would be good for your spirit.
OK take care and thanks for all the pleasure you give me and the help, inspiration and help with my workout routines. You truly are a ACE of a man.
Your Admiring Welsh Friend / Fan "
Kevin Levrone
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