jeudi 5 septembre 2019

Phil Heath

Phil Heath signaa sopimuksen Met-RX:n kanssa

"#1 Undefeated New York Pro Sensation Phil Heath Joins MET-Rx®.

“The Future of Bodybuilding,” Heath is the Rookie Everybody’s Talking About.

Direct from his clean sweep of the 2006 IFBB Pro at the Tribeca Performing Arts center in New York City, Rookie Sensation, Phil Heath is joining the impressive line-up of World class bodybuilders who have joined the MET-Rx team.

In recent history, only a handful of bodybuilders have made such an impact at their professional debuts that they’ve forced everyone to reevaluate their favorites.

As Heath tells it, he’s still amazed by his success, “Just last year, I was a fan reading about these guys, and now I’m beating them.”

But one look at the 26 year old, 215 lb Heath and you know he’s a winner. Heath sports powerful 21“ arms, massive 30” legs, 19” caves and a 28” waist in his remarkable 5’9” frame.

Prior to Bodybuilding, Heath played as a point/shooting guard on the University of Denver, Division 1 Men’s basketball team.

Amazingly, the Rookie only started training in 2002 and competed in his first bodybuilding contest in 2003, in which he won the overall men’s title.

Heath attributes his success to hard work, self-discipline, diet and the proper supplementation. Since he relied on MET-Rx products to help him get his body in the ultimate shape to become a champion, he is proud to represent the company."

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Phil Heath

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